Friday, December 02, 2005

I've Been Fired!

Well, not really. Just by one client, not by my office. I recently got a phone call from a public interest law group that is willing to take over her case. I have to say that I have mixed emotions about the whole thing.

On the one hand, I am tempted to to just laugh the whole thing off. I know I have done a good job for her. My trial partners and the other attorneys on the case have told me this. I know that she made this decision out of frustration with the way her case is progressing, not based on anything I've done. I share her frustration.

However, a part of me is disappointed that I have not been able to secure her trust over the past few months. I think this is an important part of my role as a public defender is to secure my client's trust. Without that, I can't effectively represent them. When I eventually move on to a criminal division, I know that I will have only seconds to do this, not months.

This is the first time a client has actually had me replaced so this is all new to me. Usually, our clients don't have any choice in the matter; it's a rare circumstance that one of our clients is able to find other representation. If anyone reading this (like my one site visitor to date) has had the same experience, I'd love to hear your comments.


At 6:31 PM, Blogger Indefensible said...

Don't worry about it. It happens to absolutely everyone. Once, after actually making good law in a case of first impression I was fired in favor of a guy from the billboard law firm of Jacoby & Meyers. When the J&M lawyer heard who the clients previous lawyer was, he said "are you crazy?" the client wasn't crazy but he was adamant, and so the J&M guy (who had little criminal experience) took over. Sometimes clients just feel better when they pay. Don't take it personally and don't resent them, they have every reason not to trust you and though you'll get through to most, there are some you'll just never reach.

Anyway, thanks for the link, and, um, if you really want to stay anonymous, be a tiny bit careful about providing an address for your shop. It'd certainly suggest JA's office. Not, mind you that I care in the slightest but if you do, you might want to fix that.

All the best,


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